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Nine workers' comp specialty network services you should know more about

Often coming back from a work-related injury doesn’t unfold in a straight line. Those injured may need an array of specialized supports to achieve the best outcome and potentially return to a productive life. Effective management of specialty networks is one area where we can make a significant impact, and must be managed for a variety of reasons, including outsourcing to an expert in that field, ensuring appropriate utilization, facilitating greater speed and efficiency to meet injured employees’ needs and controlling cost. To learn more about the nine elements read our e-book.

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Modifications to living spaces make injured workers feel at home  

When a 33-year-old man was grievously injured at work, the last thing he might have expected he would need as part of his recovery was a real estate agent. But that’s exactly what the father of two required after falling from a second-story balcony on the job and becoming a paraplegic.

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Specialty services are a big deal  

When adjusters jump through hoops to make specialty service referrals, they lose precious time. When it comes to workers’ compensation services, Apricus has your back. To learn more about how these solutions allow adjusters to provide outstanding results, read our information sheet.

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Reliable transportation means better injured worker outcomes  

For many of us, finding a ride is easier than ever. But for injured workers, getting from one place to another often remains daunting. Without timely and reliable transportation, those in need of medical care can miss appointments, which can jeopardize the pace of their recoveries and add up to poorer health outcomes.

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Workers' comp networks are constantly evolving  

Amid all the changes in health care experienced workers’ comp networks are evolving to meet the needs of providers, injured workers, and employers. Today, we see constructive partnerships between providers and payers that include a wide variety of provider types and a range of specialty services to serve injured workers.

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Food for thought  

When it comes to networks, our recipe for success starts with provider engagement, access, quality, and compliance. For more than 40 years, Coventry has been cooking up strong provider relationships.

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Proven track records create a winning formula for injured workers’ recoveries 

The more we work with those hurt on the job and study the best outcomes for what went right, it’s clear that effective, high-quality medical care plays an essential role. To pull the best-performing clinicians to the front of the line when it comes to treating injured workers, many turn to outcomes-based networks (OBNs). These networks within networks can offer an injured worker the benefit of proven expertise and perhaps the best shot at a successful recovery.

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Strategies for Combating Mental Health Challenges in Injured Employees 

Are your employees struggling with mental health challenges? Do you lack the tools to support injured employees as they return fully to the workforce?

Our new eBook is the resource you need. A guide for employers and carriers looking to help employees address mental health challenges and return safely to work, the eBook helps leadership-level executives adopt a person-first approach to worker concerns.

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Mega Trends in Ancillary Services eBook 

As a professional in workers’ comp, you maintain a firm grasp of the trends in the industry. But, are you aware of the key challenges surrounding ancillary services? Since these issues are often overlooked we set about to understand the powerful, transformative shifts impacting this sector. We asked executives to unearth and unveil the chief concerns affecting the provision of ancillary services in workers’ compensation. The results of that analysis is this series, Mega Trends in Ancillary Services, which aims to not only bring to light new and emerging challenges but also gives you the step-by-step guidance on how to address them.

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Look for a Broken Spirit, Not Just a Broken Bone: Evaluating Mental Health Needs in Workers’ Comp 

When someone gets hurt on the job, the workers’ compensation system is often adept at zeroing in on an injury and delivering timely care. But that well-intentioned focus on a patient’s physical bruises can make it easy to miss the mental ones, which might be harder to spot. Today, a comprehensive approach that identifies and meets an injured worker’s needs is more important than ever because the coronavirus pandemic is blanketing everyday life with added stresses that threaten to imperil a worker’s recovery.

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Unlocking the DME “Black Box”

As a specialized area of ancillary services, DME’s inner workings are complex. There is a wide range of equipment. Within each category, there’s a significant number of products that vary in nuanced ways, with many products offering slightly different functions. As a result, costs run the gamut, and coding gets complicated with a “miscellaneous” code used for products that aren’t easily categorized.

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Specialty Networks Play a Key Role in Fighting Opioid Misuse

The health care system has grown more adept at deploying the right resources for giving injured workers their best chance at opioid misuse recovery by empowering health care professionals to deliver care that is well-coordinated, incorporates multiple treatment methods, and adopts a biopsychosocial perspective.

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Case Study: How a municipality saved $1.5M when transitioning a paralyzed officer home

This career police officer was planning his retirement. The 61-year-old K9 officer and his wife were considering relocating to be near their young grandchildren and were planning their first trip abroad to experience Paris. All that changed when he was shot while on duty.

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Social Determinants of Health Drive Outcomes & Costs for Injured Workers

Recent studies show that 80 percent of health outcomes are determined by non-clinical factors. Given that, it only makes sense to examine the social determinants of health and their impact on recovery and return-to-work. As we do this, we should look for ways to align our care-management approach to identify and address non-medical barriers. 

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Networks 2.0 - It’s an Evolution

Most discussions about the state of U.S. health care quickly lead to a simple but grim diagnosis: The system is broken. But it’s not all bad news. One element of care delivery that’s seeing exciting reinvention is networks, which are evolving from relatively straightforward mechanisms for directing patients and controlling costs to collaborative partnerships between payers and providers. 

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Case Study: How a smooth transition to acute care pulled a first responder through a traumatic brain injury

In April 2017, this firefighter’s future was bright. The 45-year-old with nearly two decades as a first responder, had a wife, a son who just got his driver’s license, and a passion for fostering rescue dogs. A downtown structure fire changed everything.

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Virtual Connections: Utilizing technology to build and deepen relationships with injured workers

As the telemedicine industry continues to boom we’re seeing new forms of telehealth emerge in the marketplace. In this new world of telehealth we need to constantly be looking for innovative modes by which triage and telephonic case managers can connect with the individuals they serve and engage them on their road to recovery.

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Careful planning can blunt nature’s impact on workers’ compensation

In just the past few years, natural disasters have generated startling headlines and produced enormous challenges for many, including for workers’ compensation systems. If the assaults seem more intense these days, that’s because they often are. More than ever, proper disaster planning is necessary to ensure the workers’ comp system is able to rebound from catastrophe.

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